Thursday, December 17, 2015

Did I Like the Mercedes Museum

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 7:56 pm on Sunday the 12th of December(German time) 

If you can remember, my blog post From Frankfurt to Stuttgart was all about my trip from, well, Frankfurt to Stuttgart and also, mainly, my trip to the Porsche museum.

Well, today I went the Mercedes museum,which is apparently more popular with critics and the public then the Porsche one.

So,let's get started! While on the way to the museum I got to see a mule!  A mule is a test car that is covered in a wrap, which is a camouflage that is put on at the factory to make car journalists  first, we(me,mum,Rafferty,Aunty flis,and dad) headed to the section where we got a template and created our own Mercedes!

We got to draw it and for inspiration there were real Mercedes concepts,factory made clay models and actual designers,well, designs.I called mine the 2016 Mercedes AMG SLR mark 3.(there are actually 2 real life SLR's.Search them up:just without the AMG)

We have the pre 1900's where the Karl Benz patent mobile resides(1).Then, we head on to the before 1930's section where there is this 1926 Benz Hoff duaxmobile is on display(2)

Along the way,there are many interesting facts not only about cars but in between exhibits there are short walkways which have,on the walls,short paragraphs on what was happening out side the car world right then.

And even more car facts;did you know that Karl Benz (in around 1886)actually invented the car,just two months before Mr.daimler,and Henry ford invented the assembly line in 1908 to make the production of cars faster.

The museum itself is made in a spiral formation so that you take a lift to the top and work your down with cars on display that include AMG SLS',300 Sl's,safety cars that have actually served in real F1 and the entire silver arrows racing team.  After making it to the bottom we had lunch go to the souvenir shop and buy a Mercedes racing team T-shirt and a model 300 SL.

So concludes a day of brilliant experience's.

But  as good as it was, against the votes of the critics,I preferred the Porsche museum more

Remus Brasier signing out.

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