Friday, December 11, 2015

Airports, Jet Lag and Frankfurt

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 9:34 PM on December the 10th

Three things:

(1)Frankfurt is awesome.

(2)Jet lag is inconvenient and stupid and hard to understand.

(3)and walking straight in to a pole is a bad idea.

Yes, last time I broke my arm on the 2nd last day of my trip in London, now it's running in to a pole on the first day in Frankfurt.  

Frankfurt is a small, old city in Germany that has at least twenty churches.  And at least half of them are in the town square! Although we won't be here for long at all (tomorrow we catch a train to Stuttgart) Mum, dad, Raff, aunty Flis and me have had a look at the city Cristmas market, walk across a bridge and back and eaten at a very German restaurant called Paulaner (BEST POTATOES EVER).  But let's start back, from the moment we took off on Wednesday.

It is Wednesday the 9th.  You are on a QANTAS A380.  And now scrap all that, because I'll tell you all what happens next: we take off, (best feeling ever), I watch (thunderbirds and after at least 30 other things, I go to sleep.  

When I wake up, we are in Dubai airspace. It was there and then I decided that I HATED P.A announcements.  Just really annoying announcements that have no real reason.  We don't want to know whether you hope we will have a nice trip or not, we want to get on with the flight!

Anyway, jet lag is very annoying.  I hate it.  And it isn't a help for the fact that it starts going dark at 3:00.  And jet lag, my friends, is the sole reason I ran into a one-way sign in Frankfurt while looking for the restaurant.  It hurt quite a bit.  Okay, it hurt a lot.  But it made an amusing sound when I ran into it.  Sort of like this:TWAAAAAAAAAANNNNGG.

So that, my friends, is what I did today and now,I must go on and conclude this entry in my blog, and let you all go.

Oh, and feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. You have a great sense of humour and love your conversational writing style. How's your head. Actually, how's the sign??
