Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Small but great!

It's not everyday that you have a early birthday in you might find this interesting.lets read!

First we went to Rodin had a statue of the was interesting.i did copies of the  statues, however I couldn't for the headless and armless man.

mum and Felicity went shopping for the afternoon.  Pete, Raff and I went to Luxembourg gardens.  We saw (toy) boats on the water.we saw some pedal cars we will do that tomorrow.

Then...well,we went on a tour in a car.

thus was my surprise birthday treat from Felicity.  a Citroen.a...Citroen 2cv!!!!now,the 2cv was called the 2cv because it has a 2.0 litre 2 cyl.

the tour was about all the most famous tourist attractions. I'm predicting that my 8th birthday might just be my best birthday EVER!

Half way through the tour we went up a big hill to a church called sacre Coeur just as the sun was setting.  There were lots of people there. 

The final bit of the tour was we went to the Eiffel Tower, it was night and it lit up and twinkled for 5 minutes. It was spectacular. 

Today was sooo good!i almost said that Paris might be better than london!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Remus,

    Happy early birthday .... looks like your having the greatest holiday ever! We have loved reading your blog - It's like we are holidaying with you!
    Miss McLean is very jealous that you have visited the Eiffel tower and the Arch De Triumph.

    We have been very impressed with all the cars you have seen on your trip so far. We thought the velvet covered Ferrari you saw was strange but in a good way. The boys were really impressed with the second fastest car in the world that you saw outside Harrods.

    The girls really liked the pictures of the Palace that you showed, London is a very pretty city. We were all really impressed with the 5 storey toy shop - WOW, I don't think we would have any money left after visiting there!

    Thanks for all your work in blogging about your holiday Remus. We have loved reading about your journey. We cant wait until you next blog is posted and we can read what you have been up to! We hope that you have a fantastic rest of your trip and that you stay safe. Say hello to mum and dad from Miss McLean!!


    2/3 RM, Miss McLean & Penny.
