Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tower of London here we come

On Monday we went to the Tower of London.  

Luckily, we discovered we had some
Scooters organised help us get round London 

We got the bus into the city. We started to walk/scoot to the tower but on the way to somerset house and saw an exhibition about the chef from ebulli is Spain

It was a really hot day 

At the Tower of London it was very medieval like, a bit like shrek with castles and turrets

At the Tower of London there was also a sign saying Heston blumenthal was going to be there filming a tv show but he hasn't started by the time we left

I got a book called tower power all about the tower

When we were about to leave the tower we saw the tower bridge open to let a boat through 

We then walked across tower bridge to my aunts Kaths house because it was so hot we went and played in some water fountains overlooking the river Thames.

Last night we went to a Harry potter walk where we walked around lots of buildings that were in the Harry potter movie. I liked the bit where it was diagon alley. 

When we came home we watched another episode of top gear series 20 it was hilarious and high revving good

It was exciting to be in London when the royal baby was born 

1 comment:

  1. Remus, Sarah has been to the Tower of London too. When we were there, it was winter. Can you guess what they had in the moat around the Tower of London? Ice skating!! It looked like so much fun! Sarah didn't have a go because it was before she was big enough to skate!
    Sounds like you are having heaps of fun.
    Ask Mummy and Daddy to buy a great Card game from the Palace shops - Nicholas and Sarah LOVE playing Monarchy!
