Friday, August 16, 2013

The most instersting cars I have EVER seen in Australia

Of corse,you see cars everywhere anywhere.but most of them are boring... 
These are the i have Most interesting cars I've ever seen!

Lamborghini gallardo:5.2 litre V10,560 bhp.its nick name is the baby lambo and that makes it like jack-jack from the incredibles;a baby that you won't mess with.

Volvo c30:3.5 litre 5 pot turbo with 244 you may be thinking "volvos are very boring and no fizz is gonna appear in your body at all"but no.because this has fizz than what appears in your tounge when you eat some mentos that has been in a bottle with lots of coke in it.

Eh holden:166 bhp 4 cylinder.a classic is hard to find in oz.luckily my uncle got one in good condition.welcome than,to the eh 
Holden.well, I saw it and instersting.(you think it's a cheat, don't you?)
Lexus is f:478 bhp 5.4 litre v8.tecnilcy it's a aurion TRD but the is f is huge once was better than any other sports is just spectacular!
So wich is the most instersting car I've ever seen in Australia?lets find out!

4.Volvo c30 r design sport line Holden gallardo is f

A bit of a rest day

This is the post for Friday 

Raff and I went to Kate's house while dad went to the imperial war museum and mum went for a facial

One of the most interesting things that we saw near Kate's house was that she showed us a bucket where the council put the snow they sweep from the streets when it snows

In the afternoon we went to Jose for more black ham!

That night kath came and had dinner on the balcony at bermondsey st and we could see tower bridge lit up

Today's rating was: 

Ford focus st(medium)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's the Greenwich!

Hello!today was quite fun.even though that it was a short time actual lets get started!

First we went to borough market. it was huge!there was black ham(yours still the best,Pizarro!)and Chorizo rolls.  We also had this juice 

Than we got a tour boat to Greenwich.we only spent 10 minutes there.however we spent HOURS at Greenwich park setting records for scooters like"most scariest crash/drift for Remus"and "sillyest scared face for Rafferty" ...

This is the view as the boat went under tower bridge 

Than we went to a obverserbetry up on a huge-as-huge hill.we scooted around around while aunty and mum looked inside and stood on the Greenwich Meriden, which I don't really understand. 

We then caught a bus back and mum and dad went out for dinner and kath minded us.

Verdict:Mg mga


Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to the wars!


This is my blog for Wednesday 

On Wednesday we looked at the Battle of Britain ,world war 1 and 2 and more.

I went to the imperial war museum at Duxford Airfield with dad, raff and Kath and the planes were amazing!

there were spitfires,tiger moths and mosquito's.  we also saw  tanks and the Concorde.  We got to walk through the Concorde, it was tiny.

Then we went to a very good Spanish restaurant directly underneath where we are staying in Bermondsey Street. it had the best ham in the world: ham from black pigs in Spain. 

Wow!2x times in fact!the black ham which is called Jamon was brilliant!

I also had gazpacho 

And cod fritters 

Here is a picture of me with the chef Jose Pizarro who is one of the best chefs in London ( it was in the paper). Jose was really nice and gave me lots of tastes of the jamon, I got to go in the kitchen and had my photo taken with him.  He was so nice. 

Jose asked that I send him the link to my blog so I will say thanks to him

Thank you note. 
Thank you for giving us some of the best food on the trip,Jose' Pizarro.and I am now looking for some black ham all over London!

Verdict:Aston Martin vanquish vlonte s

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Got my London Eye on you!

I have.because today I went on the london eye! sounds exciting? it gets better!

First we went on a tour of the Houses of Parliament, the building featuring something quite incredible. (answer at the end)we saw the House of Lords and commens.

It was incredible to see how well decorated and made the building was.  

Then we went on the London Eye. I could see almost everything!!!tower of London,big Ben and Hyde park was what we could see.

Than we went to restaurant that had...a sushi train!it was fantastic!plus,the price dependend on the colour!

Than we walked along south bank and back to home!

So,it did get better!i better get on with tomorrow's (you know,it's night)

The answer to what was featured in the Houses of Parliament - there was a very decorated room that is only used once a year, the Queens robing room where she gets dressed for the opening of parliament. 

English car o meter verdict:jaguar xk-RS.(much fun)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Boat bruge! was a look what you choose to get around other than a car.lets see the options!

First we went on a boat tour.  It went through all of the famous bits of Bruges.  I was testing the boat mans boat driving skills by seeing if he drifted much.  He only drifted one time.  There were many old fashioned buildings.  There were 100s of bridges and at one it was so low that we had to duck, I even managed to put my hand up and touch the roof of it.  

Then we went to the cutest Christmas shop in the world.  I got a Christmas decoration to remind us of Thomasina, it was an angel on a star.  Then I got a Christmas van with presents on the back of it - it was so funny - a combination of cars and Christmas.  Because we were buying so much (Kate, Mum and Flis went a bit crazy), a very nice lady gave us some gummy lollies.  

Then we went back to the apartment and Kate left.  

At night we went out to go on a horse and carriage ride, the same things we did on the bike AND boat tour.  The horse and carriage was the inspiration for the car therefore it was the inspiration for my favorite thing in the world.   Dad was unimpressed but the rest of us loved it.  Kate was jealous to miss out. 

We also had some great cakes

So there you have it.todays blog was exiting,fun and funny.

Tomorrow:back to London.

Verdict:Renaultsport twingo 133 cup RS.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Exploring bruge

Today was what was it in the French car o meter?lets find out!

First we went on a bike was brilliant !!!!!!i had a bike called "custom g3002rs". had a name!  

we went and stopped at important  places including a windmill.  It was a great way to see around Bruge. 

Bruge is really old, it is sort of a mini-version of a city.  The houses are really interesting.  There are 25 churches in the city. 

After that we had lunch.  Mum, dad, flis and Kate all had moules for lunch, that's mussels.  I loved them too. 

Then we went back to our place and  watched the latest episode of top gear inwhich  James and Jeremy found out what the best crossover is.the 2 best is the vw Tiguan and Mazda cx-5.the winner was the cx-5.

Then we had dinner.we had frites(chips).they were heaven!(best in the world!

It was a great day. 

Verdict:Renault twizy.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

From Paris to bruge:3rd trip!

To Brugge!

today was as you want,let's start!

1.we got a train first to brussels from paris and then a train from brussels to brugge.  off the train and headed to our apartment.first look:great!top house!then we waited for kate to get here.

2.then we had dinner.i had pasta

The apartment

My first impressions of Brugge was that it was nice a small with lots of nice cars including an Audi r8.  It is old fashioned but when you get inside you change your mind because it is really modern 

So that's it.our half day in bruge.bye! R 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

What a nice pal...ouch!

It's I did get stung by a bee.but here's a fact:it was the first time in my life I had got stung by one! 

lets get reading!

1.first we went on a double decker train to Versailles castle.when we got to the crossing,halfway I said"what a nice plac...OWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwW!" (That's actully what I said!) [yes, when I was crossing the road in front of Versaille) but the   
Palace made up for it.

also,in the hall of mirrors me and mum played a photo bombing game.4(r) and 6(m)points for the score!  We decided t photo bomb other tourists photos. 

At the hall of mirrors photo bombing.

2. We had a picnic at Versailles and we hired some bikes.  We went around the water - it was great fun - we were riding in France, it was the Tour de France.  It was very hot today, 36 degrees.

3.  After Versailles we came back to Paris  on a 2 decker train, then we went to have dinner at a place called Comptoir De La Gastronomie.i had some fantastic roast duck and salted caramel mousse.

Today was ouchy,factual  and yummy.its very exiting to be one day away from bruge!also,we ran out of time to go in a pedal cart.merci for reading,once again!

Verdict:GT by citrëon.(great!)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Small but great!

It's not everyday that you have a early birthday in you might find this interesting.lets read!

First we went to Rodin had a statue of the was interesting.i did copies of the  statues, however I couldn't for the headless and armless man.

mum and Felicity went shopping for the afternoon.  Pete, Raff and I went to Luxembourg gardens.  We saw (toy) boats on the water.we saw some pedal cars we will do that tomorrow.

Then...well,we went on a tour in a car.

thus was my surprise birthday treat from Felicity.  a Citroen.a...Citroen 2cv!!!!now,the 2cv was called the 2cv because it has a 2.0 litre 2 cyl.

the tour was about all the most famous tourist attractions. I'm predicting that my 8th birthday might just be my best birthday EVER!

Half way through the tour we went up a big hill to a church called sacre Coeur just as the sun was setting.  There were lots of people there. 

The final bit of the tour was we went to the Eiffel Tower, it was night and it lit up and twinkled for 5 minutes. It was spectacular. 

Today was sooo good!i almost said that Paris might be better than london!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013



Today was actually quite nice.  This morning we quickly went to a good coffee place - Mum said it was what she expects from a 5 star place.  

We were a bit slow moving this morning and we watched French cartoons on tv including Garfield and Cie in French.  They were good but we couldn't understand everything but they were still funny.  

I went down the lift with our scooters - it was so exciting - it's the smallest lift I've ever seen.  Imagine a box - a tall but skinny box - that's what it's like.  It's only a 3 person lift!!!! 

Aunty flis came to stay.that made it even more fun.

I have a blister on my foot that I just discovered today.  It's because my Mum is so into fashion that she says that socks don't match my shoes, but I don't care anymore because I don't want it to hurt.

We went on a boat tour on the Paris river.  Mum got lots of ideas for upgrades to our garden in Bendigo - in Paris they even have a beach on the river which is basically sand with some umbrellas in it.  Bit weird...but funny....

We went to Brasserie Flo for dinner.  It's so old but the food is tasty.  I didn't have the kids menu but instead the duck from the adults menu.  It was absolutely delicious (that's a quote from Million Dollar Decorators)

I also had glacé .  A French lady at the restaurant came up to us & said I was the first kid she has ever seen eat oysters - she was amazed.  There was even a giant music box!

Well today was very old was good.not long til' bruge! I hope you have a lovely Time til I get back and I am saying that because we're halfway in the holiday!

Verdict:Renault  alpine a110-50.(very good)


First day full day in was nice.

actually better weather than London.france is better than I thought.

First we went on a bus tour. could get better commentary but the sites were interesting.  On the tour we saw famous sites like the Arch de Triumph where it was amazing to watch the crazy traffic driving around it. 

One of the funniest sites was seeing police who use rollerblades to get around the city 

Than we went to the market near our apartment.we had glacé.i had blood orange. It was delicious. 

Than we had lunch at the apartment.after that we to the arc de triumph.  We climbed the 240 stairs to get to the top that has a spectacular view of Paris. 

Than we had dinner at bistro not that far from our apartment.  i also tried a french soft drink called orangina which was good.  I had the club sandwich vegetarian and then more glacé for dessert. 

Today wasn't a cilo RS nor a Peugeot 307.more of a citrëon ds4.

Monday, July 29, 2013

London to France.


It's sort of like changing from a jaguar xf (classy and old scohel)to Renault cilo RS(modern and famous).france may not be as famous for making cars as Londen but are just as good quality in coffee,says mum.

First we went on the gosh it was relaxing!i pretended I was in the  topgear big took 2 hours.

When we got there we got on the metro to our hotel/apment. 5 star style,perfect views and comfy beds makes it a one of a kind!now,dad was there first to see it while...I,raff and mum went to the one,the only...Eiffel tower!then we had glacé  a.k.a ice cream!

Then we had dinner.i had some france pasta.

Today actully felt like driving a cilo was sooo exiting!  

merci for reading!

P.s.this was actually for one day before sent.sorry

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Westminster adventure!

Lets just say that today was  busy.very.and lets get started!

First we went to Westminster Abby.  it as the place where prince william and kate middleton were married. it was very crowded and there was a place where lots of writers were buried called poets corner It was soooo good!

Then we went to have lunch at a restaurant called burger and lobster.i had lobster In a roll. It was fantastic and a huge ask to eat all of it.maybe it was a fat lobster.

 Then we went to Kath's house.we played pass the bomb and was very fun!

Then we went on a bus to Kate's house.

So that's our day today.i hoped you liked it!

P.s.this was 2 days ago day.we did do one that night but it didn't save because it run out of battery.apolegies.

Yours sincerely,Remus.