Monday, January 11, 2016

No,not boxing,soccer!

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 8:38 pm on Saturday the 26th of December 2015.

In case you don't understand my title,just think of what the name often given to the 26th of December;Boxing Day.And if you don't understand the soccer reference, well,just read on!

Last year,Chelsea football club won the premiership cup for thier league.This year,they have been residing in the bottom third of the ladder.This failure has ended in the sacking of the manager.Have you ever heard of watford football club?No,I didn't think so.It was exactly them that Chelsea would be playing at Chelsea's home ground,    Stanford bridge.
Me and Rafferty in front of the sign announcing our arrival.And yes,those are earmuffs on Rafferty.On a 7 degree day!

But,as we had the chance to visit the museum we went in there and had a very long (We had hours until the game started)look around.It had very nice exibhits but I don't think there were enough because I had to keep on looking at the same things.But,later,The official there announced that 3 extremely famous soccer legends which had played at Chelsea were going to be making a little show in the sort of cinema room.So,me among many others including my dad and raff went in and once everyone settled in the official introduced Mr Ron 'chopper' Harris and the other two I forgot,unfortunately be cause to me the other two seemed like nicer and funnier people.

But,then the time came to enter the stadium and go to our seats which were much better than those at the MCG or any other sporting ground I've been to.Then it started.The game was very intense and I was actually glad to be at the real game,not just seeing it from the TV like with AFL in Australia.It just was a better game and expierance.So,this just goes to show that soccer is better than AFL by FAR!In the end however,watford 2,Chelsea 2.Yes,it was a draw.Which means that the Chelsea turnaround from winner to loser is genuine indeed.

After the game we went to one of Kates many friends houses and spend the rest of the evening there.

See you next time;Remus Brasier out

Monday, December 28, 2015

STAR WARS,the science museum and the best toy shop EVER!!!

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 9:31 PM on Wednesday the 23rd of December  2015

Recently,the world has been covered in advertising and merchandise for the new Star Wars film,The force awakens and Since its theatrical release was during this trip we decided to go to the London science museum where we would be able to see it in IMAX and also have a look around at the usual exibhits at the museum.  And trust me, it was amazing.

The setout was amazing.

Laid out over three floors there was Stuff on the beginning of the universe,mobility and reusable energy.  It was,as I already said,amazing.  Probably better then the film itself,which was actually definitely more violent then its predecessors.I actually would give it a measly 5/10.

After the science museum we had a quiet night at home and got take away Turkish at the shop below our air bnb

So,in my opinion,The science museum was underrated,the new Star Wars film is overrated.

Remus Brasier out

In the house of King Henry the VIII Tuesday 22nd December

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 8:56 pm on Tuesday the 22nd December 2015.

King Henry the eighth was and probably still is the most famous King in English history.  He invented the Church of England, came up with the British navy and revolutionised the British army.  An athletic man in his earlier years and a food eating machine in his later ones (don't tell him I said that, he might cut my head off!), Mr Henry Tudors life would be an interesting one to live.  And to find out more about it, what better place do so than the location of where he lived: Hampton Court Palace!

Hampton Court Palace looks amazing.  Residing just next to a clear, beautiful river and sporting lush greenery just adds to its visual grandness.  When we entered the massive mansion, we headed to the information office where we all (except Rafferty, because he was a bit cranky this morning) put on coloured robes.  Mine was purple, indicating I was king.  Dad chose green and so did mum, making them prince and princess. First we headed to the Kings hall where the higher ranking servants and visiting lords would eat but the King would eat in his private apartments which we got to see later on.  Nevertheless, it looked very grand with massive tapestries and on the table cloth was the standard Tudor list of eating manners.  Then we moved on to see the kitchens and they were quite interesting.  They were a lot of different pots and pans of all shapes and sizes.  But they needed that much.  To feed not only the King and the queen but the advisors, servants and maids they would be on their feet working ALL day.

Later after we were finished at the palace we got something to eat and drink we went to the maze and it was complete and utter disappointment.  So, we headed back to the station and went back to the place we have been staying at.

King Henry certainly lived in style and Hampton court palace seems like a perfect sample of that.

That night mum and dad went out to dinner at a flash restaurant and Felicity took us to Honest Burgers for dinner, I loved the mint lemonade 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A very good museum and a brilliant day - Monday 21st December

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 9.15pm on Monday 21st of December 2015 

Today we probably experienced the life of a British child in the Christmas holidays.  Today we went to the Princess Diana playground in Kensington Gardens, the London Transport Museum, Somerset House and absolutely all of it will be recounted in this, today's blog.

Let's start at the beginning (some say, it's a very good place to start) we got up out of bed and got dressed.  Not a lot of action in the first part of the morning, and I think you will agree.  What we did, whilst Mum and my favourite Aunty Flis went to Borough Market, we walked to the rather good playground.  It was amazing, the actual playground isn't just swings and slides but rather designed as an old fashioned ship made out of wood in which you can climb to the top of the crow's nest and from there it is a brilliant view.  I think it might just be the best playground in the world (and I'm not exaggerating).  So the time flew past whilst we were playing sword fights mainly.  

Then we (Raff and me) went with Aunty Flis to the London Transport Museum whilst Mum and Dad went to the Imperial War Museum.  Although this was actually my 2nd time going to it I was still looking forward to it very much. When we entered the desk lady gave us a stamp trail where you had to got to checkpoints throughout where you had to "stamp" the piece of paper in the designated place.  The stamp was actually a cut out of different shapes.  We started at the highest level and worked our way down.  We started at public transport for the 1800s which meant the underground (aka tube) hadn't been invented yet.  Then we worked our way down via the first double decker buses, early horse drawn carriages and many other exhibits, all the time collecting new stamps on the stamp trail.  

When we finally made it to the bottom we had the pleasure of driving a simulator, which we were responsible for driving a virtual tube between stations.   It was lots of fun.  After that we read a little bit more on the London taxi and its drivers needing to learn something called "the knowledge", which is the study of all London streets, pubs and monuments.  My favourite part of the museum (probably) would in fact be the exhibit from students from the London Academy of Arts study on future public transport.  It was absolutely brilliant and whilst most of the ideas will never come to real life, we can still dream.  

Then we went to a bar in Covent Garden where we met up with Kate, after a quick drink there we headed to M&S where we were looking for hilarious Christmas jumpers.  I do believe we found something even better....a Santa style hat with a beard.  

Then we went to the arranged meeting place, which was in fact Somerset House.  A grand building with a beautiful ice rink for Christmas which was great to look at.  

And that was today's blog. You may have noticed that today's was very, very big.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

When in Britain (Saturday 19th December)

From the pen of Remus Brasier at 7:53 pm on Saturday the 19th of December 2015.

The Eurostar.

The mighty train with capability of starting in Paris, speeding along the French countryside and in to a tunnel for a while.  When it comes out on the other side, you're in England.  And today I was lucky enough to experience all of that.  Yes,for the third and final leg of my European trip,My trans-Paris-London trip we chose to do it with the three S's: Speed,style and something else I can't remember.(That was a bad joke.Sorry)

When we arrived we caught a Austin TX5 A.K.A London taxi in order to go to Ladbroke grove where the location of the place we would be staying at was.After a look around it we headed to my mums friends Kates(you'll remember her from my German posts.)birthday party which was a bus tour of the tour with a twist - it was on a double decker bus and we got an afternoon tea. 

Kate's other friends on the bus let me and Rafferty have the best seat on the bus - the front seat up the top. We also got 2 hot chocolates.

We saw all the sights as we drove around having our afternoon tea. We also saw lots of great cars including a Bugatti. 

It was a great first day in London. 

Remus Friday - Food in France

From the pen of Remus Brasier on Friday the 18th of December 2015 at 8:45 pm

Today started out as a average day.  Well,I mean, I'm in Paris, yes, but we(referring to mum,dad,Rafferty and       Flis plus me) were just sitting there in our hotel room,basically doing nothing,waiting for 3:00 to come around.

'Why were we waiting for that certain time in the day?' I hear you ask.Thats a good question,but there's an equally good answer for that. Let me explain.At three,there was to be a person who would meet us at a part of Paris called St Germain des Pres who would show us around one of the best places in Paris to shop for food including shops dedicated to just just one thing.

At 2:45,we took the metro to go to the Saint Germain des Pres station where would meet the lady who was to take us on our tour.When we met her,we started almost immediately.

Firstly,she showed us a old style of a French shop.  Inside we had a taste test of a delicious Fois Gras. IT WAS BRILLIANT!

We walked a bit more and did the same with a shop dedicated to honey.  Actually, that's the funny thing about Parisian shops;Some have a great variety of products and some sell variants of just one thing.

See,at the honey shop there was chestnut honey, chocolate honey and much, much more.  And similarly,there was a jam shop where the best selling product was champagne and raspberry jam.  Of course,my drunkard parents just HAD to have that one.They said it was very nice.

The other food shops we went to included the oldest chocolate shop
In Paris, a boulangerie which is a bakery, a seafood shop, a cheese shop, a fruit and veggie shop and a crazy ice cream shop. 

Later when we had finished we went to an old fashioned diner where guess what I had for entree..Yes, earlier today I had some actually very nice indeed snails.

Remus Brasier out.

Napoleon's tomb

From the pen of Remus Brasier on Thursday 17th of December 2015 at precisely 9:56(Parisian time)

It goes without saying that N.bonaparte was and still is an entrepreneur of modern warfare.

A genius at planning offensive and defensive strikes to be carried out in battle.  An example of this would I be the legendary battle of austerwiltz which he won with flying colors.

Me,dad and Rafferty all saw this at the Paris museum of Invalides. Yes,this is my recount of my first full day in Paris for this trip.So let me start from, well, the start.

In the morning I woke up, reluctantly,(because the beds at the hotel we are staying at are magnificently comfy indeed) and got ready to go.

Mum and Aunty Flis planned to go shopping and do other girl stuff for most of the day.  Dad,Rafferty and me, as I have already said, decided to go to the museum Invalides. 

Once we got there we headed to the medieval to pre 1860's exhibits and saw many examples of artillery and armour of that time.  There were cannons and computerized recounts of battles.  I can say this:If you ever get the chance to go there I would definitely recommend it.  The World War One and two Exhibits are brilliant as well.  

The cafe there was amazing,I had a baguette with chicken, tomato and mozzarella.  We also had a look at the world famous napoleons tomb which, if you ask me, is a bit overrated.

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel.  Raff,dad and me all went to a crepearie in which we had both savoury and sweet crepes.  THEY WERE BRILLANT!!


After that, we decided to go back to the hotel and get some well earned rest.